
Note Taker

Click Here for Deployed Link

Description 📜

This is a note taking application that provides you with a window where you can add note that contains a title and text. Also you will be able to save it. This application also give you the benefit of deleting a note already saved.

Table of Contents

Business Context

Application Preview

Main Page Saved Notes Delete Note
Main Page Saved Notes Delete Note


1. Express.js :

2. Node.js :


npm i
node server.js

Features :

  1. Used ‘Express.js’ to build server

  2. Used ‘fs(File System)’ module to read and write from ‘db.json’ file.

  3. Application is deployed on heroku : Heroku is a container-based cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS). Developers use Heroku to deploy, manage, and scale modern apps.


This project is licensed under MIT license.


Pull requests are always welcome!


If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at Email.